Imagine living in a world filled with disease. This is horrible, chronic debilitating disease with seemingly no escape. Worse, imagine that endless promises to set you free from this illness just cause you more hardship and make things even worse.
Okay, now imagine that in this sea of despair, you found a solution that permanently cured you. Then, you were able communicate this cure and free others from the same disease that you were stuck with. Imagine that you were able to do this over and over and over again. That world is, unfortunately North America. The disease I am speaking of is the collection of related, chronic health maladies caused by the generally accepted North American diet. This is the diet that is making us so fat. This is a diet actually sanctioned by our health professionals, institutions and even our government.
It’s really fun being iconoclastic, but also having science and the truth on your side. It’s also really satisfying being able to prove these convictions every day. So, am I some kind of genius? Nope. I really wish I was, but I’m afraid I am simply a messenger. On the other hand, the great doctors and scientists responsible for the wonderful principles I communicate would very likely be considered geniuses. Every day, I pass on a simple plan that invariably unshackles those who embrace it. The folks I talk to are tired, confused, and desperate (just like I was). I ask them to do 3 things:
1. Eat primarily (at least 80% of your calories):
- naturally raised meats
- fruits
- vegetables
- some nuts and seeds
2. Move your body doing something you love
3. Build some muscle via the most efficient, proven successful methods possible
I tell them that to control the speed and intensity of their fat loss and improvement in health – simply do more of the above 3 things. I wrote a book to provide the scientific proof and detailed instructions on exactly how to do these 3 things. I wouldn’t know anything about failure, because it’s never happened. This plan has only resulted in success.
Sometimes when I tell people about this plan, the conversation goes like this:
“That’s it?” “Yup”
“You are kidding, right?” “Nope”
“Can you prove it?” “Absolutely!”
“Wait a minute….no pharmaceuticals, no boot camps, no “no pain, no gain”, no hardship, no yelling, no starvation, no calorie counting, no surgery, no dietitians, no expensive pre-packaged food plans, no diet drinks, no secret herbs, no fitness gadgets, no running, no aerobics, no treadmills?”
“…an emphatic NO to all of the above. Try it, for 3 days to a week. You’ll see.”