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Naturally raised meats, direct from local farmers

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Wholearth Farm Studio

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Sea Choice

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Recommended reading

The Way We Eat
Peter Singer and Jim Mason

Guns, Germs, and Steel
Jared Diamond

Ray Audette

The Naked Ape
Desmond Morris

Food Politics
Marion Nestle

Safe Food
Marion Nestle

Fast Food Nation
Eric Schlosser

The China Study
Campbell and Campbell

The Paleo Diet
Loren Cordain

The Paleo Diet for Athletes
Loren Cordain and Joe Friel

The Omnivore’s Dilemma
Michael Pollan

Powerlifting Basics, Texas-Style
Paul Kelso

Explosive Power and Jumping Ability…
Tadeusz Starzynski

Science of Sports Training
Thomas Kurtz

The Westside Barbell Book of Methods
Louie Simmons

Starting Strength, Basic Barbell Training
Rippetoe and Kilgore

Mel C. Siff

Science and Practice of Strength Training
Zatsiorsky and Kraemer

A Short History of Progress
Ronald Wright

Stretch to Win
Ann & Chris Frederick

Our philosophy and methods

We utilize a highly successful, proven philosophy to lose fat, build muscle, and become exceedingly healthy – permanently. These unconventional ideas are unique because they are in stark contrast to what is generally suggested by the diet and fitness industry. This plan is detailed in the book “Why We Are Fat, and How Not to Be, Ever Again! The Eco-diet and Fitness Plan”.

Do you ever wonder just how our modern-food diet went so terribly wrong?
If you are interested in knowing just what happened to “our food” please listen to this talk on Food Sovereignty by Eric Holt-Gimenez, Ph.D. Dr. Holt-Gimenez is one of the most interesting and cogent voices on this topic:

Audio 1
Audio 2
Audio 3