15 years ago, back in 2009 I opened a gym called Fortis Fitness in a downtown East Toronto neighbourhood. The gym posed an unusual question:…
Heavy weights & light weights. A 5 lb. kettlebell next to a 203 lb kettlebell. A 5 lb wooden Olympic bar next to almost…
20220813_161410.mp4 from Fortis Equipment on Vimeo. We have had this Westside Reverse Hyper for almost 12 years. It never quits. Who knew that this thing…
Fooling around with some ballistic bench press movements with a “gerry-rigged” but actually really fun set up in one of our racks. Worked great,…
Social Networks You Can Find Fortis Fitness, Fortis Equipment & Eco-Diet Fortis Fitness Pinterest https://www.pinterest.com/shoeshine007/getting-in-shape/ Instagram https://www.instagram.com/fortisfitness/ Twitter https://twitter.com/FortisGym Google+ https://plus.google.com/108596262270093075198/posts LinkedIn https://ca.linkedin.com/in/sean-kelly-8343841b YouTube…
This machine allows the safe loading of the wall squat exercise. It has elements of both a Smith Machine and a Hack Squat, but…
Finally, bar holders for the rest of us! Not all people were meant to fit into a standard rack. These bar holders solve…
Typical safety squat bars put the resistance in the high bar squat or front squat positions. We created this bar so that lifters with upper…
Typical safety squat bars put the resistance in the high bar squat or front squat positions. We created this bar so that lifters with upper…