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The Natural Human Diet – Disbelief and Denial

Whether I like it or not, given what I do for a living I get into a lot of discussions regarding food.  Aside from the usual critical commentary regarding dairy and grains not being human food, I am often met with blunt disbelief.  “Milk and bread not a part of our diet?  Why that’s impossible!  Look at what the government food guide states!  You’re crazy!”

In these discussions, I often state that most processed foods that are a perfectly acceptable part of our modern diet according to our medical and government establishments.  Yet, they are in fact causal components of much of our current disease and general ill health.  Although the diary and grains idea is usually enough, suggesting that a compromise has been established between our governments and the food industry is mostly met with complete disbelief.  This type of critic is usually older than I am.  Their answer to the proven science and philosophy linking the human evolutionary diet and robust health is outright denial.

These critics usually have an unshakable faith in the probity and good conduct of big business and government.  They do not believe for a second that there could be any malfeasance involved with our food supply associated with these all-powerful entities. They have even said that I am the naïve victim of leftist and even conspiratorial false information.

The discussion almost always gets political, which is funny because my views are mostly conservative.  So, I calmly present proven, substantiated, and scientifically irrefutable dietary facts.  I site references, documented examples and unassailable evidence of this position.  Finally, I suggest sarcastically that perhaps they are right and ask “when in human history has money and power ever corrupted people, corporations, or governments?”

If you want to learn more about a natural weight loss diet and exercise program–one that doesn’t rely on government “statistics” to help you get the results you want, then check out the eco-diet at