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“The Greatest Epidemiological Experiment You Ever Saw” – Part II

A few blogs ago I wrote about how the public in general are the unknowing subjects of an inadvertent but massive experiment on diet and disease.  I outlined how this ongoing experiment tests just how long we can punish and torture our bodies with modern food before we eventually die from one or more diet-related diseases.  Nobody envies lab rats in industrial experiments that end in pain, disease and death.  Unfortunately, as “human lab rats” in the same type of experiment; the predicament is just as unenviable.  Needless to say this was not a “happy” blog.  I stand by both the accuracy and reason of my submission.

On a brighter note, for those of us who have the knowledge to exclude ourselves completely from this terrible process, there is a natural conclusion we may benefit from immensely.  I will get to that shortly.  I am speaking about those of us who follow what is primarily a natural evolutionary diet.  Our food consists mainly of the following:

  • Naturally raised meats (animal foods)
  • Fruits
  • Vegetables
  • Nuts and seeds

Conversely, those subject to this massive experiment eat very little, if any of these foods.

In that previous blog, I refer to the worst afflicted “test subjects” among us.  These unfortunate folks have been raised from birth eating sugared cereals, processed cakes, soda-pop, donuts, and every kind of hyper-processed, high fat, high sugar food you can think of.  Obesity for them was a problem early on in life.  Regular meals for these people include:  McDonalds, Pizza Hut, Kentucky Fried Chicken, and Taco Bell.  Between meals they devour processed cookies, cake, potato chips, candy, Coke and other processed foods of all kinds.  By their late twenties or even earlier, many cannot walk, be intimate with their significant other, or even go to the bathroom by themselves.  Many cannot breathe freely nor sleep soundly and they depend on a plethora of pharmaceuticals and medical assistance just to live from day to day.  They are mostly in pain, confused, depressed and socially castigated.   Many people blame them for their own predicament.  I don’t.  Not for a second.

I blame our modern industrial food producers.  I blame our government for standing by while they feed us this addictive garbage masquerading as food.  Our own government even advises that we eat this crap.  I also blame the completely incompetent and ignorant dieticians who use the government food guides as their compass in telling us what to eat.  Finally, faced with all of these overwhelmingly powerful forces, the fitness industry gives us the completely false hope that we can keep eating this recommended diet, or just less of it and somehow become slim and sexy if we “just work out hard enough”.  This is sort of like throwing someone who can’t swim into deep water, with a 200 pound metal anchor tied to their feet and expecting them to tread water.  It’s going to happen.  Statistics prove that the fitness industry is hopelessly ineffective.

While this experiment is terribly sad for those afflicted, it does give us one overwhelming conclusion.  It tells us that the human body has incredible durability.  Where food is concerned, it tells us that our ability to adapt and survive has amazing limits.  We can feed people basically Cheezies, processed cookies, Kraft dinner, canned cheese, McDonald’s hamburgers, pizza and soda-pop almost from birth and our punished bodies somehow manage to forge on for decades.  Yes, we do get help from the medical and pharmaceutical industries.  Yet, the mere fact that we can remain alive for years eating atrocious, industrial garbage so disparate from our naturally healthy food is truly shocking.

What this clearly tells us folks eating our natural Paleolithic foods is that even frequent indiscretions from our pure and healthy diets will really do us no harm.  Examples of said minor indiscretions may include stuff like:

  • Brown rice, or a little white rice
  • Steamed beans
  • Organic corn and potatoes
  • Organic chocolate
  • Organic potato chips
  • Natural, artisan cheeses
  • Alcohol – preferably the likes of wine, rum, gin, vodka, cider and brandy
  • Cheese cake made with real cheese and strawberries

Should we stock up on these foods and make them staples?  Of course not!  I submit to you though, that enjoying these foods every now and then will do no harm to your body.  Even better, it will actually improve your health by reducing your stress and allowing you to enjoy life.

Summarizing, we are witnessing the demonstrable limits to which the average person can stray from what is our natural human food.  People are ingesting huge quantities of the worst, low grade, low nutrient, high sugar, high fat, chemical crap to a degree never before seen – and remaining alive.  While the ramifications are horribly tragic for these poor souls, this clearly proves that the average person can follow a very liberal version of our Paleolithic diet with no fear whatsoever.  So, where responsible, unprocessed additions to our pure human evolutionary diet are concerned – bon appetite! And to learn more about natural eating and to see a plan that follows both scientific guidelines as well as the natural eating patterns of our ancestors please check out a diet plan you can live with