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The Joy of Sex…and Paleo Food!

I know lots of people who get really excited about food and all things culinary.  Honestly though, for Paleo-diet people, “getting excited” about your food generally takes on a more profound meaning.

When you transition to your natural, evolutionary diet dramatic improvements in fat loss, health and vitality occur.  This leads directly (and rather quickly) to not only an improved libido, but a pronounced improvement in your relative physical attractiveness.  These links are strong and unmistakable.

Now this is obviously a relative phenomenon, but improvement is improvement.  Bringing one to the limits of their individual, robust physical attractiveness is a very, very powerful inducement to following a dietary philosophy that happens to respect evolution.

Simply put, the very real prospect of getting physically intimate with a woman or man whom you strongly desire is a hell of an effective rival to that chocolate muffin you were longing for so badly.

Whether people are conscious of this effect or not, I honestly believe this is one reason why this diet has such a healthy and addictive effect on people.  Unlike just cutting calories or other less than remedial or effective diet and fat loss ideas, Paleo eating delivers unmistakable health and vitality from the inside out.

Converted Paleo-diet people will never look at an apple, rainbow trout, romaine lettuce, bison steak, grapefruit or almonds the same way again.  Our evolutionary foods and sexual activity – these links may sound odd, but they are unmistakable connections that are proven to individuals who experience them first hand.  Nothing attracts like robust physical health and vitality.  This is the root of visceral animal magnetism for both males and females.  In our modern society it may be more innate and less recognized but it is overpowering nonetheless.

I submit that Paleo-diet people attain an unusually strong resistance and even repugnance for many fast foods and highly processed foods because they cause the opposite physical effects.  I believe these unhealthy foods invoke negative, anxious feelings because they can lead directly to a less than optimal sex life.

Indeed, aside from losing a few pounds there are far more profoundly social, personal reasons to avoid that pack of Oreo cookies, candy bars or processed tub of ice cream.  Simply put, lean, healthy people avail themselves the opportunity to enjoy a more relatively robust and active sex life.

For those who consume our modern processed diet with no awareness or consideration of evolution and food, sexual intimacy may have drifted completely out of their lives due to sheer body size, low self-esteem, low libido and/or chronic ill-health.

Getting this wonderful gift back to any degree causes one to never want to lose it again.  All of the other wonderful benefits, such as a lean strong physique, the new clothes in which you look great, fantastic health, improved self-esteem, confidence, and physical function are not too shabby either.  These are all experiential reasons as to why Paleo-diet people tend to stay Paleo-diet people – with considerable ease.