I am 47 years old. I have had the pleasure of coming to know other fine folks my age and older at the gym over…
I sit down with a lot of folks who are trying to get slim and fit. I ask them a standard question. What are your…
Many folks who go to big gyms have bought personal training packages. This is a major revenue generator for the big fitness gyms and the…
A buddy of mine introduced me to his friend the other day. You couldn’t really miss this lady. Joan was definitely physically striking, with what…
The following metaphorical story may sound crazy, but I promise I am going somewhere with this. Please stay with me! Imagine a boy who is…
My philosophy on cardiovascular exercise is simple: if you enjoy it – do it! Otherwise, don’t bother. I have scientific proof to strongly reinforce this…
Sure! No problem…here ya go! The food and agricultural industry, the diet and fitness industry, and the medical and pharmaceutical industries all REQUIRE YOU TO BE AS FAT AND UNHEALTHY…
There are literally thousands of novel “fitness” alternatives out there that are marketed to us every day. Working in the fitness industry I see them…
Imagine living in a world filled with disease. This is horrible, chronic debilitating disease with seemingly no escape. Worse, imagine that endless promises to set…
I’m sure you have heard the old “take the stairs” adage. How about, “walk to work”, or “don’t take the car, ride your bike”. To…