A few blogs ago I wrote about how the public in general are the unknowing subjects of an inadvertent but massive experiment on diet and…
Usufruct: The legal right of using and enjoying the fruits or profits of something belonging to another. The right of enjoying all the advantages derivable…
So what the hell does “epidemiological” mean? epidemiology ep·i·de·mi·ol·o·gy (ěp’ĭ-dē’mē-ŏl’ə-jē, -děm’ē-) n. The branch of medicine that deals with the study of the causes, distribution,…
A friend of mine made a great comment about the complications of the philosophy I follow regarding eating primarily Paleolithic foods (naturally raised meat, fruits…
This may sounds like complicated scientific terminology but it really isn’t. This topic really upsets me and so I am going to be very blunt.…
I remember when I first started following an evolutionary diet. I read everything I could get my hands on regarding Paleolithic era eating. One of…
May I ask a simple question? How is it that we are absolutely expected and encouraged to eat things that other less intelligent living things…
When people drop by our gym for a tour, often they bring a friend or two. Occasionally, a person accompanying the one interested in joining…
I get asked all the time about “cardio” exercise. My personal training sessions specific to “cardio” exercise are always looked upon strangely. It’s actually fun…
Some philosophers strongly suggest that we should eat only vegetarian foods because we are running out of room for other animals, and cannot feed everyone.…