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Government Food Guides – Use at Your Own Peril

I read major newspapers all of the time with famous dieticians referencing the United States or Canadian food guides as the final, gold standard for all good dietary advice.  I continually disagree most of what they are saying.  This doesn’t mean that I’m a genius.  It only means that I’ve taken the time to read and understand exactly what humans are scientifically meant to eat to be as lean, strong and healthy as possible.  Where did I get this great information?  I learned it from evolutionary biologists.  Not government food guides!

It’s been said that “power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”  I tend to agree.  If you believe that money is basically synonymous with power then you can get an idea of how our government system, or at least that part of it which is supposed to look out for the good health of the public has become softened, compromised and finally corrupted.
Where government oversight is concerned, there are two principles that our modern food industry has taken complete advantage of in its ability to exploit us for our money.  Please consider the USDA, and specifically two important concepts to be aware of:

  1. The USDA by its very statement of purpose represents two completely conflicting missions:

1   To officially tell us (the public) what is healthy for us to eat.

2   To promote the interests of domestic agriculture.

Promoting what is scientifically proven to be the healthiest diet for the human race and at the same time promoting the food products of big agriculture would be completely conflicting endeavors!  If agriculture is creating food that is not healthy for us to eat and the USDA is promoting it, then our health is at risk.  (6,368)

  1. The USDA has dictated that any specific food is of equal quality regardless of its origin or how it was produced.  That is, an organic tomato is exactly the same as a tomato which has been grown with industrial fertilizers, and chemical pesticides and herbicides in a synthetic soil mixture.  That would also dictate that meat from a corn fed industrial raised cow, given hormones and antibiotics and fed other dead animals is exactly the same as meat from a grass fed, pastured cow raised in a purely natural environment (like a field).   This is not true.  This is a lie.  I repeat – this is absolutely, scientifically untrue – period.  (3,269)

Imagine if the USDA was embodied by one person.  Let’s say this organization was personified in a single man.  I would think that it would be really tough for him to sleep at night.  I mean, imagine the guilt.  As this person, you would be completely aware that you were knowingly doling out bad dietary advice.  You would know that this advice was causing untold illness and often death.  Your ill-advice was harming not only men and women, but defenseless children.  All the while you would be completely betraying your mandate to enlighten the public with the best dietary information for healthy eating.

Your betrayal of the people you literally exist to protect would correspond directly to your cowardice and surrender to the big agricultural businesses influencing and sometimes dictating your compromised, tainted advice.  If your identity were known to the public, to your fellow citizens you would be about as popular as a swinger with really bad hygiene.

You would be living with the fact that your weakness alone made you bow to food industry influence and intimidation so they could line their pockets with money.  All the while you would know that you were a failure.  You would live with the fact that you did not have the courage to stand up to these companies and their mistruths to protect the innocent and keep the promise of your duty.  If you had even a semblance of a conscience, I would imagine you would have a pretty bad alcohol and drug habit to go along with your sleepless nights.  Just imagine the guilt and anguish of living this way.  Imagine the shame you would feel, knowing that every day you traded the very health of the many for the financial benefit of the few.  Imagine knowing that you had sacrificed the innocent and vulnerable you had been entrusted to protect for the greed and power of the agricultural businesses you were supposed to keep in check.  Meet the USDA.

That’s all fine but the USDA is not a person with a conscience.  Unfortunately, it is a giant government bureaucracy where the blame for this situation is impossible to pin on just one person.  Quite the contrary, I doubt anyone who works for the USDA has any feelings of shame or guilt but rather feels proud of their small daily contribution to this organizational paradox.

If you’re looking for a scientifically based weight loss diet and exercise program, we invite you to check out the eco-diet and it’s an all-natural program based on both science and the natural diet followed by our ancestors for thousands of years.